With Patience comes Good Light


With Patience comes Good Light


In this 43 page eBook, I explore the concept of patience, the impact it has on our work, and how we can foster a greater sense of patience through landscape photography. In the final chapter of the ebook, I share the story of 6 photos that illustrate the many techniques and principles contained throughout the publication.

I have put a lot of time and effort into this ebook, and I think you will enjoy it. The ebook can be purchased directly from my website, and downloaded as a PDF file that can be viewed on your computer, your phone, or on a tablet.


Introduction: (2 Pages)
Chapter 1: A Different Sort of Experience (20 Pages)
Chapter 2: Fostering a Sense of Patience (8 Pages)
Chapter 3: Stories of Patience (13 Pages)
Conclusion: (1 Page)


Format: PDF
Pages: 43
File Size: 23.1 MB
Published: April 21, 2020

Revised: September 7, 2022

UPDATE: As of May 30th, 2023, 237 copies of this eBook have sold. Thank you so much for your support everyone!

eBook Frequently Asked Questions

Upon purchase, you will receive an email with a download link to this eBook. The link will be active for only 24 hours, so be sure to download the eBook immediately. If you have any questions, please reach out to me. Thanks!


“As someone who is only a couple of years into their own pursuit of landscape photography, I am no longer seeking technical help with my gear, nor am I seeking a location guide. What I crave are windows into other photographer’s philosophies and an understanding of what gives meaning to their work—something I am currently trying to figure out for myself.

Ben’s book gives the reader exactly that. His contemplative approach to photography promotes the virtues of having patience and being at one with your surroundings. This is easy to forget if you, like me, have ever felt the rush to capture as much as possible to feed the never-ending hunger of social media algorithms, which are no more ‘hollow echo chambers’ where no useful feedback is ever received, as Ben puts it.

Ben also gives a lot more backstory to some particular images, reveals some of his fascinating superstitions when on location, and promotes the importance of caring for the wilderness.

Reading this book is like walking through a gallery of beautiful images with the artist himself, who reveals the story of each piece and the philosophy that underpins the whole collection.”

- James Lane (United Kingdom)

“Anyone who follows Ben Horne or has watched his videos on YouTube knows he practices patient photography. Part of that patience is perhaps inherent in his use of a large format 8x10 camera. However, his patience is also very much informed by his deliberative approach to photography. He shares his learned insights from many years of trial and experience, that are at times dotted with accidental surprises and sometimes even failure.

Ben’s eBook is skillfully structured by stories told through his images. He shares the intimate details of his mindfulness and personal growth as he has evolved into the widely recognized and celebrated landscape photographer he is today.

It doesn’t matter whether you shoot with film or digital cameras or even the genre of your photography, this eBook will lay out a foundation and pathway that can improve the quality of your photography and even make it much more personally rewarding.”

- Bill McCarroll (Poway, California)

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