Pigment Prints

My prints are produced with archival pigment inks on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag Baryta paper using an Epson P7000 wide format printer. Print sizes up to 20”x25” include a generous white border, and 23”x25” prints will include a half inch white border. This is determined by the 24” paper width. Each print is individually signed and numbered with a pigment pen below the photograph in the lower right corner. The final print is treated with a protective spray to increase both durability and longevity. Upon completion, the prints are rolled in a tube, and mailed.

I choose to print with pigment inks because of the longevity of the print, and the maximum sharpness that is achieved with this printing method. My prints are an edition of 100, and my standard print sizes are listed below. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for the production and delivery of your print. Some images will need to be sent for a high resolution drum scan before the print can be produced.

If you live in the United States and are interested in a framed print, I work closely with a custom framer for an ultra-clean, museum-caliber presentation. Handmade frames of solid walnut or maple are paired with a generous 8-ply archival mat, then encased with anti-reflective museum glass. For a clean presentation, it’s possible for me to sign the mat in pencil, with the true signature of the print hidden beneath the mat. This avoids having to show the white of the paper against the white of the mat. If this is something you are interested in, please reach out to me and I’d be happy to work with you.



11” x 14” Pigment Print: $299

12" x 15" Pigment Print: $299

16" x 20" Pigment Print: $435

20” x 25” Pigment Print: $629

23” x 29” Pigment Print: $899